Exercise For Kidney Patients

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Exercise For Kidney Patients

Kidney patients should exercise as it can maintain their physical and mental health. 

It wouldn't be wrong to say that fitness has plummeted after the coronavirus pandemic. We have spent two years of our lives in fear of lockdowns, restrictions, and virus transmission. Not being able to go outside without a mask and follow the rules of social distancing only makes things difficult. People who manage to stay fit while staying at home have a healthy mind and body. But patients are the most affected group. Not only were they exposed to all the stresses of Covid-19, but the limited physical activity made them even more lethargic. Exercising not only increases physical strength, but also improves mental and emotional health. Kidney patients have a misconception that they cannot exercise due to the condition. In fact, exercise is very important for kidney patients.

According to global statistics, more than 700 million people currently suffer from kidney disease, and a large proportion suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD). Unfortunately, the number continues to rise. According to Apeksha Ekbote, MSc, RD, Senior Nutritionist at NephroPlus, a poor lifestyle puts kidney patients at risk for a variety of health problems, including weakened immunity, high blood pressure, depression and other chronic diseases. This is why exercise is most important for kidney patients so that they do not suffer from further health complications.

Is Exercise Good For Kidney Patients?

“As a dietitian who specializes in the care and management of kidneys nationwide, I recommend incorporating physical activity into the clinical care of patients with kidney disease,” says Abeksha Ekpot.

There is clearly a need to find safe exercises for kidney disease. Yes, since each case is different, you need to do activities that are safe for you and will not cause any problems. Consultation with a nephrologist is necessary to exclude possible risks. Also, doing the prescribed exercises can promote overall health if you do it as instructed by your doctor. Go slowly and gradually increase your speed and intensity so you don't put pressure on your kidneys.

Exercise for Kidney Patients

Whether you have chronic kidney disease, kidney failure (dialysis), or a kidney transplant, exercise is safe for you. It is perfectly normal to do the exercises that are appropriate for your health. Any kind of physical activity for 15-20 minutes is good for your health and can also boost your fitness.


Walking is an easy and safe exercise. Many people don't think of walking as an exercise, but it's actually the simplest form of exercise with incredible benefits. Walking is the best exercise for kidney transplant patients as it can be done at their convenience. Just a slow walk for 10-15 minutes can be beneficial. Gradually increase the time period and you will feel healthier and better.


Swimming is one of the best exercises for everyone, regardless of age or health status. Swimming is a safe exercise for kidney patients and even pregnant women can swim as it increases their strength, stamina, mood and prepares their bodies for effort. Swimming reduces the risk of joint movement and relieves tension and tension.

Meditation and Yoga

To keep your mind calm and stress-free, you should practice breathing exercises, meditation and light yoga asanas. These medications improve the flexibility of the body and reduce the psychological stress that patients deal with. If you are a dialysis patient, you can do pull-ups and sit-ups, but start first under the supervision of a specialist. Also, share your progress report with your doctor regularly to keep track of.

Finally, if you love to dance, you can dance. Just relax and do gentle movements that don't strain the muscles. Also, do not overburden yourself. Eating a healthy diet doubles the benefits of increased longevity.

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Today | 18, March 2025