Exercises For Slipped Disc

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Exercises For Slipped Disc

A herniated disk or herniated disc is a serious problem that occurs in the lower back. People with a herniated disc usually do not need surgery and can go about their daily activities with some precautions. Weakness in the center of the disc can occur when the soft gel slides away from the hard outer surface. For this reason, it can be very painful and cause many health problems. Exercises such as weightlifting are usually discouraged in such cases, but there are some gentle exercises that can be done to relieve pain and improve muscle strength. Let's talk about some of the safest exercises you can do in a sliding disc.

What Are The Symptoms Of Slipped Disc?

There are some very common symptoms of a herniated disc. Here are some common problems that most people experience with a herniated disk.

Arm Pain
Neck Pain
Back Pain
Sensation of tingling and numbness in the feet and legs
Tingling or numbness in one arm

People with a herniated disc usually don't need surgery. Doctors often recommend a physical therapist to treat symptoms of a herniated disc. Exercises can focus on treating specific areas of pain and improving symptoms.

The safest exercises to try a slipped disc.

1. Neck Lift

One common exercise that doctors recommend to treat a herniated disc is the neck stretch. It relieves pressure on the neck nerves and helps deal with aches and pains in the shoulder muscles. To stretch the neck, you need to do the following.

Sit upright in a chair and pull your chin toward your chest.
Then slide it back to the headrest in the neck.
Move the left ear to the left shoulder and then rotate it to your right ear and right shoulder.
Repeat this pattern several times.

2. Hamstring Exercises.

Since your legs can also be affected by a herniated disc in the lower spine, hamstring exercises can relieve pain and strengthen muscles for better core and back support. You can try the following hamstring stretches.

First, sit on a chair with your feet on the floor.
Now just extend the straight leg with the heels touching the floor.
Now straighten your back and lean a little forward until you get into an upright position.
When you feel an increase in pressure on your hamstrings, hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds.
Now switch your legs and repeat this exercise several times.

3. Retrograde Stretch

Rebound exercises are used to relieve pain in the lower back and spinal muscles. If you have a herniated disc, you should consult your doctor before doing this exercise. You also need a specialist or physiotherapist so you don't expose yourself to a back injury. To perform the reverse flexion exercise, you need to do the following.

Lie straight on your back and straighten your legs first.
Do not pull your knees forward and keep them towards your chest with the help of your elbows
Move the head forward and stretch until the middle and lower back are in a comfortable stretching position.
Repeat this exercise 8-10 times for pain relief.

4. Knee-to-Chest Stretch

In the knee-to-chest stretch, you need to work the muscles of each side of the body. For this, you will need the help of a physical trainer or a physiologist to help you. This can help reduce symptoms of a herniated disc and reduce your range of motion. Here you need to perform this exercise-

Lie on your back with your knees bent and heels on the floor.
Once you are in a comfortable position, put both hands behind one knee and pull toward the chest.
Then support that knee and bring the other knee toward the chest.
Keep switching your legs and repeat this exercise 10-15 times.

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