Yoga Poses To Detox Lungs

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Yoga Poses To Detox Lungs

With World Liver Day 2022, check out these yoga poses that can help cleanse the liver. keep reading

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise, which improves your overall health in many ways. Not only the health benefits, but there are many yoga poses that can also help you improve your skin and hair care routine. It keeps every organ in the body working properly. How do you get rid of liver toxins on your own? You can count on yoga for a smooth and regular cleansing of this organ. Some beneficial asanas can strengthen many internal organs, including the liver.

BrandsOk has launched a 'Focus of the Month' campaign, where each month we will be highlighting stories on a different topic. This month's focus is on "healthy living," as today we focus on liver health. Apart from this, World Liver Day is celebrated on the 19th of April every year to raise awareness about liver health. With World Liver Day 2022, we have covered some useful yoga techniques to detoxify the liver.

Yoga Detoxifies the Liver.

It is always beneficial to practice yoga daily. With the right variation, you can also improve your digestive and liver health. Here are 5 yoga poses that are beneficial for detoxing the liver:

1. Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is a popular yoga asana that provides many health benefits including liver detoxification. Practicing yogasana daily can keep your liver strong and healthy. It will help flush out toxins from the whole body.

How to do:

Lie on your stomach with your legs straight.

Next, raise your upper body with your hands supported on the floor.

Hands should be at chest level

Try to stretch and stretch as much as possible by creating an arch.

2. Marichiasana

This yogasana is beneficial for digestion, spine and liver. Helps stimulate internal organs and improve their performance. To properly cleanse the liver, you can practice Marichasana daily at home.

How to do:

Sit on the mat and spread your legs.

Bend your left knee and extend your foot to your right knee.

Raise your arms and spine as you inhale and bend your right shoulder while exhaling

The left hand should be placed behind your back and press with the right hand on the folded knee.

Stay in this position for 5 breaths and repeat using opposite legs and arms.

3. Malasana

Malasana is one of the most effective yoga poses for detoxing the liver. It helps the digestive system and keeps the liver healthy. Malasana or Mala poses are not easy but if practiced daily, even beginners can master it.

How to do:

Take a squatting position

Inhale, extending your thighs and bringing your elbows together.

As you exhale, tilt your stomach forward and try to place it between your thighs.

Repeat at least 5 times.

4. Damage

Nokasana is an excellent yoga pose for cleansing the liver. Nokasana or also known as boat pose is useful in treating and preventing liver diseases. It is useful in strengthening the liver, lungs and pancreas.

How to do:

Lie on your back straight.

Then raise the upper and lower body by supporting the thigh bones.

Fingers should be at eye level

Focus on the abdominal and abdominal muscles.

Inhale in this position for a few seconds and exhale.

5. Ardha Chakrasana

Ardha Chakrasana keeps the liver healthy and working efficiently. This pose can be done in different forms and they all provide different benefits.

How to do:

Stand straight and raise your hands while inhaling.

Then put both hands on your hips

Slowly bend your upper body back while taking a deep breath.

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