Yoga For Migraine Pain Relief

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Yoga For Migraine Pain Relief

Yoga poses can be helpful for reducing or controlling migraine pain, and here are some poses to help.

We are somehow aware of the fact that migraines can cause headaches and they can be very annoying. People take pills regularly to control the migraine attack they sometimes get, which negatively affects their health. Migraine pain can also cause vomiting, headache, nausea, and sensitivity to light and their symptoms. We at OnlyMyHealth focus on creating awareness about various health topics and ways to treat them through our Healthy Living campaign. Yoga has always been a natural remedy that helps in reducing and controlling the symptoms of various diseases in the body. It can also be effective in treating migraine headaches. Today we will try to find out whether this is useful or not, and if yes, then we will learn about the asanas that can be useful.

Is Yoga Useful In Migraines?

Migraine is a common condition that affects many people. Yoga helps lower blood pressure and slow the heart rate, which helps a person recover from stressful events and migraine attacks. Headaches are one of the most annoying things that affect people, and they can also cause you disability and other problems. Migraines often begin in early adolescence and continue throughout life. There are some yoga postures that can be effective in reducing migraine pain and controlling its attacks. Let's check out these yoga poses for migraines.

Offered to treat migraine pain

Here are some poses that can be useful for inducing migraines.

1. Sukhum Viyama

It is a type of yoga that relaxes the neck, face and head of the body. It relaxes your muscles in the following areas so that your migraine pain is not affected as much. 

First, move the middle and ring finger from the jaw to the chin and massage the cheeks. At this time the mouth remains open and then focuses on the nodes.

Open and close your jaw 8 to 10 times at the same time. Then open your mouth again and move your jaw to one side again 8 to 10 times.

Rotate your neck, inhale and then move your head back. As you exhale, bend the chin to the chest and repeat 5-6 times.

Rotate your head clockwise, then counterclockwise. Exhale with your head elevated. You can then inhale when the head returns to its original position. Repeat the above steps clockwise and counterclockwise.

2. Yoga Pose for Cycling

This pose is useful in relieving tension in the body and muscles. You can reduce the risk of migraines and headaches by doing yoga cycling regularly. Here are the ways to do this exercise-

Begin the position by lying on your back with your legs and arms extended together. Your arms should be at your sides and palms down. The head, neck and spine should be aligned.

Lift your entire right leg and straighten it. Lower your right leg forward and inhale as you raise your leg.

Bend your knee again and try to rotate in the forward position until the knee returns to the starting position. Exhale as you pull the knee toward the chest.

Please make sure that the heel of the right leg does not touch the ground while doing this cycling pose to treat migraine. Repeat about 10 times in the forward direction and then 10 times in the reverse direction.

3. Hand Stretch Breathing

This is a very simple exercise that can be helpful for migraines. It works to tighten the muscles in your body which also helps in providing the benefits for controlling your headache. Let's know the steps to do this exercise-

First, stand up straight and put your feet together. The hands should rest on the side of the body.

Place your hands in front of your chest and place your fingers on top of each other on the palms of your chest.

Relax your shoulders.

Spread your arms out in front of you, then raise your arms to shoulder level to inhale.

At the same time, twist the hands so that your palms are facing the chest. You can relax the shoulders and repeat this 5 times.

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