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Yayingathi owam uchomy andide ndisondel kuye wandikhawulela kwimain gate esikolweni 

Miss:Ntando yizapha
Iknew uzondibuza ngogazi esikolweni
Miss:ubuphi izolo

Me:bendingula miss

Miss:saph ileta ka gqirha ndizokwaz uyifak ngoba awubhalanga
Yoh bekubhalwa izolo bendiyaz lonto but ivele yalibaleka ntu coz binguAnele beringa entloko

Me:ae khandiye kwagqirha
Miss;haik have to give u uzero
Ndamshiya apho ndayohlala phantsi ndizub ndimcenga.zahamba iperiods yayi first break andaphum ndahla class iws avoiding my frnd yangen periods zaqhubeka it WS now second break nangok bendingazimiselangab uphuma ndith sahle ndeva ivoic Chomy it ws Sive my frnd

Bendingafun abone ukuba I'm avoiding her

Chomy:haib utheni uhleli apha

Me:kuyabanda phandle

Chomy:njonga kuphathel ntoni
Waveza I yoghurt

Me:ndihluthi nje

Chomy:what's wrong Nana
Inyembezi ndadizibambe ngekophe.she gave me ahug

Chomy:uknw ucn talk to me nangantoni ryt
Ndaqwala intloko

Chomy:wenzeni uAnele did he force u

Ndamxelela yonke into haik owam uchomy ibinguphum silwe

Chomy: hey uxolo gal suwara zamkhupha uphapha yena lo Aphiwe undibonise yena
Yakhala intsimb sangen 1period saphum iskolo ndangena transport ndangoduka.on my way home ndith gqi ngoAnele zange ndimjonge

Ndenza ngathi andimva kodwa wasuk wandileqa wahamba apha ecalen kwam

Me:ufunantoni kum

Anele:ndifun wena

Me:andikufun mna

Anele:ndifuna uthetha nawe ke
Me:akhonto endizoyitheth nawe mna bekungafanekanga usesikolweni oops I mean emsebenzini.

Anele:yabona zezizinto endifuna sitheth ngazo bbe cela ukucacisela.plz bbe ndimamel ndiyakuthanda
Ndama nam bendifun nyani umva uzothini ndith ndisamile ndamva esith

Anele:bbe cela uhambe iwil call u
Me:ngok ubusith.,.......zange gqibe ndeva ngempama chin ngu Aphiwe..ndabalake yhin mdala lo Aphiwe and ngok kusestratwen sam.ndabashiya bebethana apho ndagoduka.iwary yam kukuba angen apha ekhaya bt ndababon sebengekho.ndafika ndapheka yho inyama ndayipheka ngamanzi gqiba ndazivalel eroomin yam a call from Anele


Anele:ndingeza uzokubona

Me: no ufunani iyakul ntombi yakho

Anele:andisenaye lomntu MNA
Ndadropha i4wn yam ubuxoki bendingekh semdlen babo.the was anock kwelacala and umama bekhona.ndamva endikhwaza xa ephuma tlaa ngoAphiwe.

Mama:yintoni oyifuna endodeni yalentombazana


Mama:thetha wanditsho ngomva wempama kwataka intlantsi
Waphakama uAphiwe

Aphiwe:hlukan no Anele umncici and akakuthandi ufuna usex yodwa
RHA ndabona uyanya ngok ndamphendup

Me:uyandithanda eyoba ubande ayoyam hlukana nam xhegwazana ndin
Ndeva ngeqindi chin wayedigomba umama.
Waphum uAphiwe ndashiya umama apho eshawutisa ndayozivalela eroomin
Ndabhalela uAnele msg ndamxelel yonke into wa4wn

Anele:uxolo ukufak egxakini
Me:inkuli igxaki ondifak kuyo ndiyakonyanya I can't even fuman I chance yofunda ndubhala final exams kodw andikwaz ufocuser
I shouted at him and ndadinomsindo all he could say is sorry ndacima 4wn ndalala bendisaz m not going to school gomso even though bedibhala.the questions beziringa kum ws mandimncame uAnele ngok ndimthanda for uAphiwe, must ifigth for him BT before I decide I needed to know the truth

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Today | 16, March 2025